Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Hi here we are in March already where i this year going. Well i have had lots and lots of new products in over the past week, Bella, Kaiser, Kidston etc etc etc, and still more to come. March is a busy month with Easter squeezed in the end of the month.

This Friday we have our 1st pizza scrap night from 6pm to midnight i have a couple of places left if you would like to come please give me a call, It will be the first night the Bee Happy Girls including Leanne will be coming it will be lovely to have them here, Cindy and Myself went out last Friday night to say hello to them all and were made to feel very welcome now it is our turn to return the favour.

Good Friday we also have a 10am to 10pm scrap day (yes im sleeping at the shop now).

Jo Carey is going to start classes at Stamp Craft from 21st April, she will teach ever 1st and 3rd Monday of the month i already have bookings for her first class so if you would like to come please phone and book in. If you dont know Jo she has been teaching for Leanne at Bee Happy she was also a Master for Scrapbooking Memories last year.

Lots of new and exciting things happening and we will certainly be kept busy.

We have our Scrappin Scouts weekend away on the 4th 5th and 6th April we do have 2 spaces left so if you are interested give us a call and we will let you know all the information you need.

Cindy and Rhonda are heading to Sydney early in April for SIA trade show they are just a little bit excited they are doing 14 classes between them in 2 days, so we will have lots of new classes coming home with them.

Well i have raved a bit there hope it all makes sense, all in all classes will be busier than ever and you will need to book early to avoid dissapointment. I have got the new class schedule in store i will try and update the web today.